
Growing Greener Thumbs!
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Growing Greener Thumbs!

Home » Growing Greener Thumbs!

The team took some time on Friday the 23rd of June and signed up to join our local conservation
volunteers to help create a habitat for our native lizards, insects, and our native manu, which also
helped with pest and weed control in and around Porirua.

Together, we planted an astonishing 1,400 trees in just a single day! Can you believe it?

We owe a massive thank you to the passionate and knowledgeable volunteers who joined us. Their
expertise and guidance transformed our not-so-green thumbs into a force to be reckoned with! We
couldn’t have done it without you.
Special gratitude goes to the wonderful folks at Porirua City Council and Whenua Tapu Cemetery for
their warm hospitality throughout our tree planting adventure. Their support made this experience
even more fulfilling and meaningful.

If you’re feeling inspired and want to be part of something incredible, we encourage you to explore
the world of tree planting and volunteering by visiting: conservationvolunteers.co.nz to find out
more about their initiatives and how you can get involved. Together, we can all make a real difference
for our planet.



#ConservationVolunteersNZ #WhenuaTapuCemetery #TreePlanting #YourBooks #TeamBuilding