Legal advice for authors
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Before you begin your book: 

Here is a guide to help you get started on your book journey. 

Legal Advice for Authors: 

When it comes to writing a book, be it a work of complete fiction, or something that is based on fact, it is important to ensure your writing does not have any unexpected legal consequences. Here are some lawyers who can assist you in making sure that your book makes the right kind of waves. 

Ali Romanos

Ali Romanos is a defamation and media lawyer. He is based in Wellington and services clients across New Zealand. He works with authors, publishing houses and film-production companies to mitigate legal risk, and advises on contractual, copyright and insurance issues in the world of publishing Ali also runs Defamation Update, a free legal resource which contains a comprehensive legal guide to defamation law, with tips for safe publishing. Go to website


Helpful Links: 

For more helpful advice, check out these links. 
Copyright Fact Sheet PDF: 
New Zealand Society of Authors: