Print Frequently Asked
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What is DPI?

DPI stands for “dots per inch” and refers to the resolution of a printed image or text.

What is bleed?

Bleed is the area outside the design or image that extends past the final trim size to ensure that the printed product has no un-printed edges.

What is CMYK?

CMYK is a colour model used for printing that stands for cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black). These four colours are combined in various proportions to create a full spectrum of colours.

What is a proof?

A proof is a preliminary version of a print job that is used to review and approve the design, colours, and layout before printing the final product.

What is a print run?

A print run is the total number of copies that are printed of a particular document or publication.

What is a substrate?

A substrate is the material that is being printed on, such as paper, vinyl, or fabric.

What is halftone?

Halftone is a printing process that uses small dots of varying sizes to create the illusion of continuous tones and shades in a printed image.

What is spot colour?

Spot colour is a printing technique that uses premixed inks to create a specific colour rather than combining CMYK inks to produce it.

What is duplex printing?

Duplex printing is a printing feature that allows for printing on both sides of a sheet of paper.

What is book printing?

Book printing is the process of producing printed books, typically using a printing press.

What are the different types of book printing?

The different types of book printing include digital printing, offset printing, and ink-jet printing.

What is digital printing?

Digital printing is a type of printing that uses digital files to produce printed materials. It is often used for short print runs and for printing individual copies.

What is offset printing?

Offset printing is a type of printing that uses plates to transfer ink onto paper. It is often used for large print runs and for printing high-quality books.

What is print-on-demand?

Print-on-demand is a type of book printing that allows for the printing of individual copies of a book as they are ordered. This helps to reduce printing costs and minimise waste.

What is the difference between hardcover and softcover books?

Hardcover books have a rigid cover made of cardboard or similar material, while softcover books have a flexible cover made of paper or card-stock.

What is the standard book size for trade books?

The standard book size is 6 x 9 inches, or 5 x 8 inches for trade books.

What is the difference between black and white printing and colour printing?

Black and white printing only uses black ink, while color printing uses four ink colours to produce full-colour images.

What is the difference between a proof and a final print?

A proof is a preliminary version of a printed book that is used to check for errors and make corrections. The final print is the complete and finished version of the book that is ready for distribution.

What is the minimum and maximum number of pages a book can have?

The minimum number of pages a book can have is typically around 32, while the maximum number of pages depends on the printing method and the binding used.