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What is self-publishing?

Self-publishing is the process of publishing a book or other work independently, without the involvement of a traditional publishing house.

What are the advantages of self-publishing?

Self-publishing allows you to have complete control over your work, from the content to the cover design and marketing. You get the final say. You also get a higher percentage of the profits.

What are the steps involved in self-publishing a book?

The main steps include writing, editing, and illustrating (if you want them) your book, formatting it for publication, creating a cover design, setting a price, and marketing and distributing it.

What are some self-publishing platforms?

Popular self-publishing platforms include Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Barnes & Noble Press, and Apple Books.


What is copyright?

Copyright is a legal right that grants exclusive ownership over original works of authorship, including books, articles, music, and software.

Do I need to register my copyright?

No, your work is protected by copyright as soon as you create it. However, registering your copyright with the Copyright Office can provide additional legal protection and benefits.

Can I use copyrighted material in my book?

Generally, you should obtain permission from the copyright owner before using their material. However, in some cases, using small amounts of copyrighted material may be considered fair use.

How can I protect my own copyright as a self-publisher?

You can protect your copyright by including a copyright notice on your book, registering your copyright with the Copyright Office, and enforcing your rights if someone infringes on your copyright.

What is a copyright infringement?

Copyright infringement occurs when someone uses your copyrighted material without your permission.

How can I avoid copyright infringement as a self-publisher?

You can avoid copyright infringement by creating original content or obtaining permission to use copyrighted material.

What should I do if I discover someone has infringed on my copyright?

If you discover someone has infringed on your copyright, you can send a cease-and-desist letter, file a DMCA take-down notice, or pursue legal action.

Can I use a pen name and still have copyright protection?

Yes, using a pen name does not affect your copyright protection.

What is the duration of copyright protection?

The duration of copyright protection varies depending on the type of work and when it was created. Generally, works created after January 1, 1978 are protected for the life of the author plus 50 years.

Book Types & Pages

What are the different types of book categories and their uses?

Please see our list of book categories below:

Fiction: Used for entertainment, pleasure, and imagination.

Non-fiction: Used for education, learning, and information.

Reference books: Used for quick information on a specific topic.

Self-help books: Used for personal growth, motivation, and self-improvement.

Autobiographies/biographies: Used to learn about the life and experiences of a specific person.

Textbooks: Used for academic study and to gain in-depth knowledge about a specific subject.

Cookbooks: Used for recipes and cooking techniques.

Travel guides: Used to plan and navigate travel experiences.

Children’s books: Used for children’s education, entertainment, and imagination.

Poetry: Used for artistic expression and emotional connections through language.

What pages are typically needed for a non-fiction book?

See our list of suggested pages:

  • Half Title Page
  • Full Title Page
  • Copyright Page: An imprint page is a crucial part of any non-fiction book. It provides readers with important information about the book, the author, and the publisher.

Here’s an example of what you could include on the imprint page of a non-fiction book:


Copyright notice (e.g. © 2023 John Doe)

All rights reserved statement

ISBN (International Standard Book Number/s)

Publisher name and address

Editor’s name

Designer’s name

Production team’s names

Printing and binding information

Paper stock environmental information

Disclaimers and legal notices


  • Dedication page (optional): A short message from the author to someone they want to honour or dedicate the book to.
  • Table of Contents: Lists the chapters, sections, and other parts of the book in order.
  • Foreword (optional): A forward is an introduction to the book written by someone other than the author, such as an expert in the field or a celebrity.
  • Acknowledgements (optional): A short message from the author to the people or organisations that helped to make the book possible.
  • Introduction: The introduction sets the stage for the book and previews its contents.
  • Preface (optional): Written by the author, the preface provides context and motivation for the book.
  • About the Author: A brief biography of the author, including their expertise and credentials.
  • Sources and References (optional): A list of resources and references used in writing the book, including books, websites, and interviews.
  • Index (optional): An alphabetical list of terms and concepts with page numbers indicating where they appear in the book.

By including these elements, you can help readers better understand your book and its purpose, as well as providing them with important information about the publishing process.


What is the purpose of the title page?

The title page displays the title of the book, the author’s name, and the publisher’s name and location.

What is the table of contents for?

The table of contents lists the major sections and chapters of the book in the order they appear, making it easier for readers to navigate and find specific information.

What is a preface?

A preface is a short introductory section written by the author, explaining the background and motivation for writing the book.

What is an introduction?

An introduction provides a brief overview of the book’s main themes and arguments, and often includes some context or background information on the subject.

What is the main body of the book?

The main body of the book is where the majority of the content is found. It includes the chapters or sections that explore the book’s topics in detail.

What are appendices?

Appendices are supplementary materials that are relevant to the book’s subject but not included in the main text. They may include additional data, tables, graphs, or other supporting information.

What is a glossary?

A glossary is a list of key terms and definitions used in the book, providing readers with a quick reference for important concepts.

What is an index?

An index is a list of important terms and topics covered in the book, along with the page numbers where they can be found. It helps readers quickly find information they need.

What is a bibliography?

A bibliography is a list of sources used by the author in writing the book, including books, articles, and other materials. It allows readers to explore the subject in more depth and provides credibility to the author’s research.

What is a conclusion?

A conclusion is a summary of the book’s main arguments and themes, often including some reflections on the implications of the book’s findings.

What is copyright page?

A copyright page is a crucial part of any book, and is typically located on the back of the title page. It contains important information about the book’s copyright, publication, and distribution. Here is an outline of the content required for a copyright page:

  • Copyright notice: This should be located at the top of the page and should include the copyright symbol (©), the year of publication, and the name of the copyright owner.
    For example: © 2023 John Doe.
  • All rights reserved statement: This informs readers that the book is protected by copyright law and that no part of it may be reproduced or distributed without the publisher’s permission.
    For example: “All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.”
  • ISBN: This is the International Standard Book Number and is a unique identifier for the book. It should be located near the copyright notice.
  • Publisher information: This should include the name and address of the publisher, as well as their website and contact information.
  • Printing and binding information: This information may include the edition, the print run, and the printing and binding information.
  • Legal disclaimers: Depending on the nature of the book, legal disclaimers may be necessary. For example, a medical book may require a disclaimer that the information is not intended to be medical advice.
  • Credits: This section may include the names of the editor, designer, typesetter, and any other contributors to the book.
  • Permissions: This section may include acknowledgments of any permission to use copyrighted material.
  • Environment statement: This section can let your readers know about the environmental qualities of your paper stocks and printing processes.
  • Other information: Depending on the book and its requirements, other information may be necessary, such as a dedication or a statement about the author or illustrator.


The copyright page is an important part of the book that provides readers with important information about the book’s ownership and publication. It is essential to include this information accurately and thoroughly to protect the book and its contents.

Writing Plan

What is a writing plan?

Create a writing plan for writing an 80,000 word fiction book

Here’s a suggested writing plan for an 80,000 word fiction book:

Pre-writing (1 week):

  • Brainstorm ideas and choose a premise for the story
  • Develop the main character(s), their backgrounds, and motivations
  • Outline the plot and major turning points of the story
  • Create a world-building guide (if writing fantasy, sci-fi, or any kind of fiction that requires a guide)

First draft (8−12 weeks):

  • Write the first draft of the story, focusing on getting the words down on the page without worrying too much about perfecting the writing or editing as you go
  • Aim to write at least 1000−2000 words per day, depending on your schedule and writing speed
  • Use the outline as a guide, but allow the story to develop and change as you write
  • End the first draft with a complete manuscript

Revision (4−6 weeks):

  • Take a break from the manuscript for a few days or a week to gain some distance and perspective
  • Read through the first draft, making notes about plot holes, inconsistent characterizations, and areas that need more development or clarification
  • Revise the manuscript, making structural and substantive changes to improve the story and characters
  • Aim to complete at least 2−3 rounds of revision, with time in between each to gain perspective and refine the story

Editing (2−3 weeks):

  • Focus on sentence-level revisions, polishing the prose and ensuring clarity and consistency throughout the manuscript
  • Use beta readers and/or a professional editor to review the manuscript and provide feedback on areas that need improvement
  • Address any feedback and make final revisions to the manuscript

Proofreading (1 week):

  • Read through the final manuscript multiple times, checking for typos, grammatical errors, and other small issues
  • Use software tools and/or professional proofreaders to catch any remaining errors
  • Finalise the manuscript and prepare it for publication

Of course, this is just one possible writing plan, and the time line and specific steps may vary depending on your writing process and preferences. It’s also important to prioritize self-care and breaks throughout the writing process to prevent burnout and maintain creativity.

How do you index a PDF book file?

One way to index a PDF book file is to use a PDF indexer software or tool. These tools typically scan the PDF document and create an index that allows users to search for specific words or phrases within the document. Some popular PDF indexer tools include Adobe Acrobat Pro, Foxit PhantomPDF, and DocFetcher. It is also possible to create an index manually by creating a table of contents or index page that lists the major topics or sections of the book along with the corresponding page numbers.